Sunday, February 1, 2009

Info on 75 InspEARations

Hi Everybody!

I know that I haven't been on here for a while. I sort of got told that I needed to update more. Again, sorry to inform you that I lead a very dull life. I mean the only major things that have happened since the snow has been Christmas, Disneyland, and the Rose City Classic Dog show (the first big show of the year that is broadcast on Animal Planet). Ok, ok, I know that is actually a lot to blog about, but because it has all hit one week after another, I haven't really had time to process everything.

So instead I posted some pictures of Disneyland from January 2005. That year Disney was celebrating 75 years of Mickey with 75 Mickey statues. They were designed by all sorts of different people, some celebreties, some Disney stars, and some cast and crew. I tried to label them if I remembered the person's name. For example the one with all the glasses was done by Elton John.

So while I work on all the other stuff, ejoy the pictures below!

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